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Jack Shook

September 24, 1974 OH170 108 min.


Guitarist. Born September 11, 1910. Died September 23, 1986. Joined WSM, Nashville as a staff musician in 1934. Headed the Missouri Mountaineers on the Grand Ole Opry during the late 1930s. Prominent recording studio guitarist, 1940s-early 1960s. Retired from WSM in 1982.

Interview Summary

1974 September 24
(1 hour, 48 minutes)
Versatile country musician Jack Shook talks about his career, starting in the 1930s. Discussion includes his early musical interests; the development of his music career during the early 1930s; his early years as staff musician at WSM; the formation of the Missouri Mountaineers; his role in the Nashville recording industry; changes in his music during the late 1940s; recording with the Owen Bradley quintet; his guitar playing style; highlights from his career, including the development of the Nashville Sound; and memories from working with Owen Bradley.

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