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Clyde “Barefoot” Chesser

July 24, 1987 OHC337 136 min.


Country performer. Born 1929. Real name: Clyde Chesser. Texas-based musician, comedian, and promoter. Career most active 1950s-1960s.

Interview Summary

1987 July 24
(2 hours, 16 minutes)
Country entertainer and promoter Clyde “Barefoot” Chesser talks about his career in Texas during the 1950s and 1960s. Discussion includes his early interest in radio; his start as a radio announcer; origin of the nickname “Barefoot”; broadcasting the Central Texas Hillbilly Hayride; the comic character of Barefoot; his comedy pairings with Cotton Ward, and later, Galen Christy; the Texas Village Boys; the Blue Bonnet Barn Dance television show; his recordings, including “If Jesus Came to Your House”; his work as a radio program director; the revival of his performing career; early memories of Roger Miller, Willie Nelson, Tillman Franks, Claude King, and Minnie Pearl; and his work as a promoter.

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