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Goober Buchanan

January 22, 1976 OH20 160 min.


Country music performer, comedian, and stage manager. Real name James Buchanan. Career active 1930s-1960s.

Interview Summary

1976 January 22
(2 hours, 40 minutes)
Country performer James “Goober” Buchanan talks about life as a traveling country comedian and stage manager during the 1930s. Discussion includes his start working on the stage; the musical influence of his father; his first band; his start in comedy; a description of his early shows; joining Roy Cross and his band; early country performers, including Riley Puckett, Rex Griffin, Otto Gray, Hank Penny, and Homer & Jethro; working for Larry Sunbrock; origin of his nickname “Goober”; working with Sweetheart Mary & the Bar X Cowboys; and memorable experiences from those years.

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