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Light Crust Doughboys

March 24, 1999 OHC371 163 min.


Western swing band. Organized in the 1930s by Burrus Mill & Elevator Company to promote its Light Crust Flour on radio. Over the years, members have been among western swing’s most significant musicians, including Bob Wills, Milton Brown, Marvin Montgomery, and Knocky Parker.

Interview Summary

1999 March 24
(2 hours, 43 minutes)
Members of the western swing band the Light Crust Doughboys talk about the group’s long history in country music. Discussion includes the addition of member Art Greenhaw and recent activities for the band; a contrast between the band of the 1930s and the band of the 1990s; a description of a typical concert; memories of Marvin Montgomery’s early musical career; memories from the early years of the Light Crust Doughboys; and the development of bandmember Jerry Elliott’s musical career.

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